Custom Sleep Hypnosis MP3
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Thank you so much for this beyond relaxing mp3. I've played it every night so far and I wake up feeling so rejuvenated. It's only been three days but I already feel a shift within." -Hamza H.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "She delivered as promised and it's better than I expected. It feels really cool to have something tailored to your own issues and personal desires." -Nancy L.
How it works: During sleep, your brain waves go into Delta State, which means that your conscious mind shuts off and your subconscious mind becomes open to suggestion. This is why hypnosis/subliminal tapes have been proven extremely effective for reprogramming the subconscious mind. This part of our mind is what dictates what actions we take and what we end up manifesting in our physical world. The great thing about this technique is that it requires little to no effort. Simply plug in your headphones and press play right before you're drifting off to sleep each night. Whatever statements you chose for your custom tape will begin to be submitted directly into your subconscious as you drift from Theta to Delta state. Kailyn will ensure that your audio tape is included with calm and relaxing background music to aid in a more restful sleep.
- 149 US dollars
- 99 US dollars
- 129 US dollars
Examples of Custom Statements:
"I am beyond beautiful and I love myself unconditionally"
"I am a powerful creator, everything I want comes to me easily"
"I'm I'm love with my new home in Hawaii"
"Everyday my life gets better and better"
"Love comes to me easily and effortlessly"
"My life is full of romance"
Remember that you can choose ANYTHING. Being specific is highly recommended as well as adding in some general "I am" statements such as "I am lovable", "I am worthy", "I am whole and complete", etc.
Delivery Time: You will receive your custom mp3 by email within 7 business days of ordering. If Kailyn has to request additional information from you or clarify your statements, she will reach out immediately so be sure to reply ASAP to ensure timely delivery. If there are any delays, she will inform you.